Newsletters have always been a powerful tool in nurturing sales leads. Typically, this has required the use of third-party platforms to achieve. This also usually made it necessary to bring in multiple members of the CVB team to get the job done. Now, this can be facilitated directly from a LinkedIn Company Page or a user’s personal profile. All you have to do is turn on your Creator Tools.

We’ve talked about how LinkedIn is the perfect platform for B2B communications and sales. The benefits of maintaining an active feed from both an organizational level and a personal brand level can include more brand awareness and top-of-mind presence among your connections.  Couple this with LinkedIn’s Employee Advocacy tools and the amplification can really take things to another level. Now, with LinkedIn’s “on network” newsletter tools, we have yet another opportunity to tie some of our marketing pieces together from both a company and personal perspective. The fact that these tools live on-network, make them especially easy to use and deploy.

Once you activate the tools, you can now get “one-click” subscriptions within LinkedIn itself. That’s huge! No more embedded forms or clumsy ads that drive to a trashy landing page. This helps to avoid the high costs of running lead generation campaigns and will likely help you build a healthy, engaged following. You can also feature newsletters within your personal profile or share them on other social media channels! The messages you create can also be embedded and distributed though websites. This can give a huge boost to both your company and personal brand authority within the industry by making you the messenger of the latest trends and activities that you or your organization is involved in.

I highly encourage you to look into both the Creator Tools and the Newsletter tools

These are some awesome opportunities to connect, engage, and lead the way!