At TwoSix Digital, we see it all the time: clients put so much effort into writing a blog that they forget to format it in a way that’s readable. But, when it comes to blogs – or any webpages for that matter — headings are more important than the text itself. Why? Because they give readers a clear overview of your blog post and help them browse for information. They’ll also help to increase time on site, because headings can grab readers’ attention and encourage them to keep reading.

Headings are also important for search engine optimization (SEO) because it allow search engines to understand the content of your blog post and rank it accordingly. So, if you want your blog posts to show up higher in search results, make sure you’re using descriptive and keyword-rich headings.

Of course, a title takes precedence over headings. Consequently, we often recommending spending more time coming up with a good title and headings than writing the post. Try it out for yourself! When you do, you’ll realize you’re essentially writing an outline and the blog almost writes itself from there.