Dave Serino
Founder & Chief Strategist
Dave Serino is the founder of TwoSix Digital and a 30-year veteran of the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. He has held marketing positions in hotels, resorts and convention, and visitors bureaus, along with launching two start-up ventures and national social media educational conference.
Some other notable projects include launching the Ann Arbor Convention and Visitors Bureaus’ first web site more than twenty years ago, developing and managing the state of Michigan’s email marketing program in 2001, assisting the Detroit Super Bowl XL host committee with online event promotions, being part of a team who launched an online meetings and events network and developing the first tourism-focused social media measurement and ranking systems to benchmark the 50 state tourism offices.
To-date, Serino has presented educational sessions at more than 200 travel industry conferences and he is one of the tourism industry’s leaders in the area of education and thought leadership.
Dave also serves on the board of the West Michigan Tourist Association and is a member of the Michigan Craft Beverage Council’s Marketing Committee.