TwoSix Digital can help you improve the organic search positioning of your website on major search engines. The website analysis and optimization program provides your organization with recommendations that will enhance the technical SEO elements on your website and uncover errors that reveal opportunities for improvement. We will also ensure that website analytics (Google Analytics) is set up properly for the site.

We will also benchmark current site analytics prior to any changes being made. A review of the overarching link profile will also help identify needed next steps.

Once the analysis is complete, we’ll take it one step further by implementing the recommended changes based on our findings. All you have to do is provide us with access to the website’s maintenance areas and we’ll do all the heavy lifting.

Together, the two parts of the organic SEO analysis and optimization provide a full-on SEO strategy for your website aimed at improving current organic search standings, traffic, and positions


  • Website Analysis

    Findings will be presented outlining action next steps.

  • Technical SEO Analysis

    We will break down ways social media can be measured and how to leverage the data collected.

  • Review of Website Sitemap

    A full review of any blocked pages and sitemap .XML files if present

  • Outline of Strategic Improvements

    We will give a full outline and strategic input on site content improvement and changes as needed

  • Goal & Conversion Suggestions for Google Anaytics

  • Outlined Plan to Move Forward

    Including documentation of any/all current inbound/backlinks, 404 Error, and page not found links.



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