Data Sharing | Hashtags | Instagram | Recovery | Virtual Gifts

We may not be out of the lockdown-woods yet, but we have some ideas on how we can recover from the pandemic. From data sharing to recovery message — here’s what’s On Our Radar to watch out for in May 2020.

Custom Audience Data Sharing Destination-Wide

Brian Matson

Coming out of these challenging times it’s going to be important for CVBs to be working smarter and not harder. I think there’s a big opportunity not only promote our destinations but to also support and educate our local partners by leveraging a cooperative data tactic. Cooperative data allows CVBs to utilize website and email data from our most influential local partners. Many of us are familiar with and use Custom Audiences but few are taking the next strategic step of seeking data from our partners to help guide our campaigns. It’s not only an opportunity to use better data in our campaigns but it can also help establish better digital marketing practices by our partners. It’s something to definitely consider as a value-add as we navigate the challenging times ahead.

To Hashtag, or Not To Hashtag

We’ve seen a variety of hashtag of use on Instagram: from copy & pasting the same ones in every post to adding a few, scattered hashtags in every couple of posts.

I’m here to tell you that you should be using hashtags in every post. We’ve seen DMOs have anywhere from a 50% to a whopping 250% increase in impressions due to hashtag use. If your goal is to get more eyes on your posts & stories, then add them.

The key? Add relevant hashtags. It’s okay to add your legacy hashtag each time, but you want to avoid being “spammy” by using the same hashtags over & over and using those huge hashtags like “#tbt”. Instead, go for super relevant, hyper-niche ‘tags that are directly related to your content to develop your following.

Instagram Expanding the Desktop Experience

Scout Holaday

Instagram has primarily been a mobile-experience since its creation but has recently been making moves to expand the desktop-experience.

This month, the company introduced direct messaging to the desktop website, as well as the ability to view Instagram Live Videos. Users can now provide their viewers with a direct URL rather than asking them to open the mobile app and find the live stream on their own.

This move by Instagram helps the platform’s live-streaming service be accessible to a much wider audience. At the same time, Facebook now is at risk of competing with itself. As Instagram continues to shift to desktop, it will become increasingly important to monitor where your audience prefers to engage with you so that you can best meet their needs.

Approach to Recovery Messaging

Think about recovery digital marketing promotional plans in a multi-phased approach.   First, reintroduce your product to your most loyal customers first – those who may have visited in the past or are in close geographic proximity.

Next, think about giving the consumers direction based on the industry trends that we are seeing like visiting outdoor areas or nature related experiences.  Consider what can be done is small groups and in lightly populated areas.  Give them tips on how your organization or community is taking precautions to keep visitors safe. In this second phase, you can also expand geo locations based on short drive distances.

And, in the last phase, prepare them for some kind of conversion or stronger call to action, but be sure to understand any and all restrictions in their communities and your community.  And, lastly, always ensure your message is not tone deaf to developing situations and it is constantly tweaked and adjusted to be as accurate as possible.

Digital marketing gives us all of these options and we must vigilant that our message is continually monitored for best results.

Virtual Gift Giving

TikTok has quickly swept our online world and has become one of the biggest social media platform. Especially since we’re in lockdown — what else do we have to do? Now, we can’t go out and see others right now, so TikTok has introduced a virtual way of giving called “Smart Gestures”. Users can send a gift to any of their friends or family who use the platform that they feel may need it most. The best part? They’re free!

  • A 90-day subscription to Adobe Premiere Rush
  • 1-month free DashPass subscription
  • 90-day trial subscription for Pandora
  • 2-month Premium Membership for Skillshare

Sure some of these are most promotional things that these companies offer, but during this time, it’s the thought that counts, right?

To stay up-to-date on the latest tourism and digital marketing trends, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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OOR March 2020