Case Study: Tunica "We Got It" Video Campaign
Tunica CVB
The Scope:
The Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau in Tunica, Mississippi conducted a direct digital media buy to highlight their Tunica “We Got It” destination promotional video. TwoSix Digital was assigned the goals for the video campaign to attract video views and encourage consumers from “high value” zip codes provided by the area casinos to complete a contest registration form with their email address and enter to win a getaway to Tunica.
The Strategy:
TwoSix Digital ran a campaign from May to July, 2015 and utilized multiple techniques to capture consumer interaction while targeting gaming and lifestyle interests of the Tunica visitor. The Tunica “We Got It” campaign included:
- 53 highly targeted social and digital ads
-27 YouTube ads
-15 Facebook ads
-11 Twitter ads
- Leveraging of Lookalike Audiences in Facebook Ad targeting
-Lookalike of Tunica Facebook page
-Lookalike of people visiting
-Lookalike of people who had already entered the giveaway
The Results:
- More than 9 million ad impressions from 9 DMA’s
- More than 1.2 million video views for videos
- Social video advertising at $.03 per view
- More than 20K total contest entries and14,218 new email opt-ins for the newsletter, 22% of those opt-ins came from high-value loyalty zip codes provided by the area casino players clubs
The Tunica “We Got It” video campaign was awarded Social Media Campaign of the Year at the 2015 Mississippi Governor’s Conference and showcased the expertise of TwoSix Digital in the development and execution of a destination marketing ad strategy.