Tag Archive for: Pinterest

Facebook Groups Getting Ads, Pinterest Users Grow

Are Facebook Groups getting ads?

Facebook Groups

Credit: TechCrunch

For their next trick Facebook may be rolling out ads to Facebook Groups. People in some overseas countries have reportedly been seeing ads in their Groups – which could mark a new way to earn revenue for the social network.

Facebook confirmed that the ads will look just like the ads seen in News Feeds and utilize the same targeting utilized in other ad types on the site – but also include the ability to target based on Facebook Groups.

This new ad type could be a great way for Facebook to expand given that Facebook expects to hit maximum News Feed ad load in mid-2017. Read more

Pinterest Promoted Video and Snapchat vs Instagram

Pinterest Adds Promoted Video

Pinterest Promoted VideoPinterest Promoted Video ads are now available to advertisers on the social network. The announcement came earlier this week as Pinterest appears to look to take a cut of the massive number of video views on social media.

However, these ads are more than simple video view ads. Pinterest Promoted Video ads allow for clickable Pins to be integrated directly into the video. Wondering how that looks? Check out the video below.

Pinterest claims that early results indicated Promoted Video ads were four times more memorable than non-video ads. These types of ads an even be saved and watched later.

Instagram Not Slowing Snapchat Down

Credit: SensorTower

Credit: SensorTower

We recently wrote about Instagram Stories and how they may impact Snapchat Stories and even platform usage. While it’s still early, a report by SensorTower indicates that there hasn’t been a noticeable decline in Snapchat’s usage.

While Instagram Stories have only been out for two weeks a surge of people trying Instagram Stories over Snapchat does not appear to be happening. This may lead credence to the view that the two platforms will be able to co-exist without cutting too much into one another’s user base.

Snapchat Overtakes, Pinterest Saves and Iconosquare Changes

Snapchat Daily Users Surpass Twitter

Snapchat If you’re still thinking Snapchat is just a fad you may need to think again. The social network has more than 150 million daily active users – larger than the 136 million Twitter reportedly has. Since its creation in 2011 the Snapchat’s user growth has exploded with it being of particular interest to younger people.

One of the reasons cited for its popularity is the way Snapchat makes communication via short messages and texts more fun by allowing people to send annotated selfies and fun and silly edited photos and videos. Read more

Facebook Messenger Team Up, How-to Pins, Longer Instagram Videos

Boarding with Facebook Messenger

Boarding your flight with Facebook MessengerIn what could be the first of many, airline KLM is integrating with Facebook Messenger to make it easier to fly. Using Facebook Messenger, KLM passengers will be able to receive their itinerary, flight updates, check-in notifications, get boarding passes and even rebook fights when needed.

KLM previously embraced social media by giving travelers the ability to book tickets via Facebook and Twitter, but this utilization of Facebook Messenger is an unprecedented move and could mark the beginning of a shift in the airline industry. Read more

Pinterest Ads Open, Facebook Reach Grows

Pinterest ads now open for your business

This week Pinterest finally opened up its Ads Manager to everyone interested in scheduled Promoted Pins. Up until now Pinterest ads were only in the beta phase.

Along with this opening up, Pinterest unveiled more detailed ad targeting tools to enable advertisers to more accurately promote pins. These targeting tools include some items similar to those seen on the Facebook Ads Manager, like interest and customer database targeting. Pinterest has one different type of targeting that may work in advertisers favor though: keyword targeting, which allows the serving of ads up to people exploring the platform using certain keywords.Pinterest Ads

Time will tell how successful these ads are, but Pinterest says people who saw Promoted Pins had a 40% greater awareness of new products and had a 50% higher purchase intent.

While this is great for individual advertisers with one client, Pinterest currently lacks the ability to switch between multiple ad accounts. This means that agencies with multiple clients will need to set up accounts and switch between them for different clients.

Facebook Reach reportedly still surging

Facebook post reach continues to rise, despite recent algorithm changes many expected to take a bite out of reach. Locowise reports the average reach for posts in February was up 5.33% from January.

Locowise also reported an increase in post engagements from January to February, but it will be interesting to see what happens to engagements rates once a full month of Reactions are able to be recorded.

Pinterest Opens Shop, Twitter Kills Favorites

Pinterest Opens Shop

Pinterest ShopWhen Pinterest announced users would finally be able to buy some of the items they see and pin onto their boards many thought it was a great and exciting concept! However, the reality was a bit less exciting as it quickly became clear that finding pins with the little blue icon on them indicating they were able to be purchased was quite rare. Now, however, Pinterest is hoping to make buying items much easier for its 100 million users.

Available now, the Pinterest Shop allows you to find “trend collections” or buyable pins curated by the social network. For a company valued at $11 billion the move makes perfect sense. While the obvious application for retail is clear, it remains to be seen how other industries might be able to get in on the action. After all, how many travel/tourism-related pins do you see on a daily basis?

Twitter Kills Favorites, Replaces with Likes

For some time now Twitter and Facebook have borrowed ideas from one another (cover photos for Twitter, hashtags for Facebook), but the latest tweak on Twitter’s part seems to show how similar that social network is to becoming Facebook. Twitter has replaced its use of Favorites with Likes. You should notice this now when logging in that the star icon under tweets in your feed has been replaced with a heart.

The reasoning for this from Twitter’s product manager was a bizarre response: “”You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite.” Oh okay…