Facebook Groups Getting Ads, Pinterest Users Grow

Are Facebook Groups getting ads?

Facebook Groups

Credit: TechCrunch

For their next trick Facebook may be rolling out ads to Facebook Groups. People in some overseas countries have reportedly been seeing ads in their Groups – which could mark a new way to earn revenue for the social network.

Facebook confirmed that the ads will look just like the ads seen in News Feeds and utilize the same targeting utilized in other ad types on the site – but also include the ability to target based on Facebook Groups.

This new ad type could be a great way for Facebook to expand given that Facebook expects to hit maximum News Feed ad load in mid-2017.

Pinterest monthly users swells

Pinterest Monthly Active UsersThis week Pinterest proudly announced the milestone of 150 million active monthly users. The company grew the number of people on the platform by an impressive 50% over the previous year and shows no sign of slowing down.

While that number doesn’t come close to Facebook (1.71B), Instagram (500M), Twitter (313M) or Snapchat (310M), the exponential growth is nothing to sneeze at.

Pinterest says that the increase in the number of people using the social network is providing valuable data on what users are interested in – something both marketers and potential investors should also be interested in.

Also worth noting is the claim that up to 40% of new Pinners are men (bucking the thought that most Pinners are female) and more than half of all millennials in the U.S. use Pinterest.

Earlier this year Pinterest opened up its ads platform to those looking to promote their Pins.