Trending at TwoSix: Google Search Console

Posted: May 31st, 2022


Google’s Search Console is probably the most powerful tool when it comes to seeing how your site is displayed organically in Google Search Results. Below, you can the top search queries for one of client — that is, the search terms that result in the most clicks to their website in a given time frame.

Not only can does Search Console provide you with the top 1000 search queries for your site, but it also shows how many searches there were for each term (impressions), how successful you were at getting users to click to your site (CTR), and high you were, on average, for that search term (position). As you can imagine, this is some invaluable information!

For instance, the above image illustrates when the search volume for one of our client’s major events last year. This lets you know exactly when your audience is starting to think about an annual event, and you can plan accordingly!

So, how do you use this wonderful tool? Simple! A quick email to your web developer to see if they already have it going for your site and to add it if not. In either case, get you and your team’s email addresses added to it, then head to to get started.

Google Search Console Help