Trending at TwoSix: Recycle and Reuse on Twitter

Twitter is a unique social media tool in the sense that we can (and absolutely should) reuse content…aggressively.

Facebook and Instagram posts are sacred. They carry much more weight (and shelf life) than a tweet. If we are going to recycle content on Facebook or Instagram, it should be more than a year apart, with lots of content in between. With Twitter, we can recycle content on a monthly, even weekly basis.

Here’s how you can boost the frequency of your tweets without tons of heavy lifting. Let’s get started.

Tip of the Week: Login to your Twitter analytics to identify and reuse most popular tweets to boost frequency.

Twitter - Reuse

Don’t reinvent the wheel with every tweet. Find out which tweets have been popular in the past, and reuse them!

Now, let’s not be lazy here and simply copy/paste an old tweet. Refine the language ever-so-slightly to add a new spin on the tweet.

This makes a great case for creating evergreen content. If we make landing pages, blogs, and videos with no expiration date – we can reuse them over and over again!

Fact of the Week: The shelf life of a tweet is 18 minutes long.

Twitter - Shelf Life


This is why we can reuse content so generously on Twitter. The shelf life of a tweet is shorter than an episode of The Office. Just like you can re-watch Michael Scott berating Toby over and over again – we can reuse our tweets!

Noteworthy Article: How to Get More Twitter Followers (Without Spending a Dime)

This article does a great job of proving you can succeed on Twitter. If you want to grow more followers, try these tactics:

  • Tweet often
  • Time your tweets
  • Use hashtags wisely
  • Mention people
  • Re-use old tweets
  • Contribute to guest posts

A lot of our clients tell us Twitter is their least favorite tool. Ask yourself if you have given this channel your all. Try giving Twitter 110% before you write it off!

Speaking of Twitter, we have one and we love it! Follow us here.