5 Ways to Show Your Social Media Followers You Love Them

Updated: February 17th, 2022

Social media can sometimes be a place full of negativity – that’s why, as communities managers, we should use our positions and platforms to spread the love and show our audience appreciation. Organizations often neglect this simple task.  Show your followers that you love them with these 5 simple ways.

1. Feature a Weekly UGC

Many organizations regularly share user-generated content (UGC) on their social channels. Tools such as Crowdriff and Chute make it extremely easy and practical to gather tons of photos and videos of your destination that locals or visitors took. If you’re regularly sharing UGC photos on your channels, try featuring a Photo of the Week.

Pick a photo under your hashtag, ask the original user permission to use the image, thank them, and give them tons of credit. For example, when sharing the best photo of the week say, “Congrats to Instagram user, _____ for having the best photo of our destination this week! If you would like to be featured next week, use our hashtag, and you could be next!”

This demonstrates to your entire audience that you value their photos, and makes one follower in particular feel very special!

2. Answer Their Questions

Community managers should be doing everything they can to respond to their audience, especially when someone has a question. We often see this essential aspect of social media wholly neglected when conducting Digital and Social Media Audits.

When posting a photo of a local restaurant, a commenter may ask, “Where is this located?” Give them an answer! Respond with the name, location, or a link to the restaurant’s listing on your website. By replying to questions, you demonstrate to your followers valued and heard. It will encourage them to engage and ask questions in the future!

3. Ask Them Questions

Another great way to appreciate your audience is to ask them questions. For example, share a photo of a local coffee shop and use the caption, “This coffee shop is a local favorite! What do you typically order at this hometown staple?” When the comments roll in, be sure to like the words, use the Heart Reaction button, or even respond by saying, “That sounds delicious!”

Many organizations are afraid of writing a blog about the “Top 10 Restaurants” in their area or the “Best Breweries.” This is entirely understandable, but there is a great way to work around this. Take this one step further and create content around responses from your audience.

Create a post that says, “We know there are so many amazing breweries in the area. Which one is your favorite? Submit your response in the comments below. We will compile the results and tell you what the top breweries are in our area!” Consider boosting this post with some funds, compile the results, and name the top three breweries in a blog! Be upfront in the blog and say, “We heard our audience loud and clear, and here are their favorite breweries in the area!”


4. Thank Users for Using Your Hashtag

This one is pretty simple, but gratitude goes a long way in the world of social media. Search for photos and videos under your hashtag on Instagram, like their photos, and occasionally comment by saying, “Awesome photo! Thanks so much for using our hashtag!”

You can also find photos under other commonly used hashtags in your area and say, “This is such a great photo! We would love if you used our hashtag on great pics like this in the future.” Context like this will help boost engagement with your hashtag and make outliers feel noticed, and they tend to follow through with your advice.

5. Encourage Future Trip Planning

One common missed opportunity we see often, is neglecting to help people in their travel planning. Many times commenters will ask, “This looks great! Maybe we will go there this summer!” They often tag friends, and start conversations about planning their adventure. This is a key time to engage with your audience. Simply reply and say, “We would love to have you visit the area! Here’s a link to order a free visitors guide to help you plan your adventure.”

Anytime you can go above and beyond for your audience will make them feel appreciated.

Another way you can go above and beyond is by sending special gifts to super-engaged followers.

Every community manager has noticed a couple followers who constantly like your photos, comment on your posts, and share your videos. One way to show your appreciation is to privately message them and send them a personalized gift. Perhaps this follower recently mentioned their favorite restaurant in a comment. Send them a gift card to their favorite restaurant and some of your branded materials! Talk about feeling loved!