
Email marketing is one of the best ways to communicate with and keep in touch with your audience. However, one of the most effective ways to start the communication process is with a Thank You/Welcome email. A welcome email is your first impression to new subscribers, making it an essential part of your email marketing strategy. Read on to see what your new subscriber welcome email needs!


Start with a Strong Subject Line

Your welcome email subject line is the first thing your new subscribers will see when receiving your email. Create a strong subject line to ensure a positive first impression on new viewers. The subject line should tell your audience what to expect in the initial email. However, to spice up your welcome email subject line, try using an emoji to express your excitement – be sure to limit yourself to one per email!


Include an Introduction

The sole purpose of a welcome email is to introduce your product and let subscribers know what to expect from your newsletter. The perfect place to do this is within your introduction paragraph. You can welcome new recipients by expressing a tone of excitement that they’ve signed up for your newsletter! Continue this paragraph with information on what they can expect from your newsletter going forward and how often they will receive it. Lastly, wrap up this introductory paragraph with a friendly reminder to add your email address to their contact list. Emails added to contact lists ensure your newsletter does not end up in the spam folder.


Feature Popular Blog Posts

Your welcome email is centered around developing a relationship with new subscribers. The initial content should include relevant information regarding your destination or business. Feature your most popular evergreen blog posts that best highlight your product. Including these within your welcome email can increase click-throughs to your website and additional engagement on your blog posts. We recommend adjusting this content quarterly to ensure relevancy.


Promote a Strong Call to Action

Once you have your audience’s attention with your snappy subject line and welcoming introduction paragraph, close the email with the next steps you want them to take. Encourage email recipients to plan their next trip, book a place to stay, or follow you on social media. Utilize buttons to direct consumers to the relevant information they may be seeking.


Direct New Users to A Thank You Landing Page

Another way to welcome new subscribers to your newsletter is by redirecting them to a Thank You Landing Page. This landing page should contain all of the same information and tactics utilized in your welcome email and without the overused ‘Thanks for Subscribing!’ tag line. Be sure not to replace your welcome email with this page. Instead, let the page be another way to give users more information on services, attractions, or activities that you offer.

A Welcome/Thank You email may seem like a small portion of your email marketing strategy but can significantly impact new subscribers. To sum it up, by utilizing this feature, you can potentially see an increase in website traffic, a boost in sales/revenue, and even higher brand awareness. The best part? Your email is automatically sent out to new subscribers upon signing-up, so once you create it, you won’t have to worry about it. Above all, be sure to include all the necessary elements to ensure your welcome email caters to your goals.

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