Instagram logo redesign
If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years it’s that people go a bit crazy when a social network changes something – anything – about the way something looks or how it functions. That certainly proved to be the case when a new Instagram logo was unveiled along with a slightly redesigned look to the platform. Instagram’s sister apps (Boomerang, Layout and Hyperlapse) received similar redesigns to their logos.
Essentially, the logo changed from the vintage camera to a newer more colorful gradient design with the look inside the platform being black and white and “puts more focus on photos and videos without changing how you navigate the app”.
Of course, people soon took to social media to complain about the new look with MyFunnyPalace reaching back in time to use a 90’s internet safety video to mock how the new Instagram logo was created.
Twitter video views skyrocket
The growth of video on social networks at this point is well documented with Facebook claiming 8 billion views per day and Snapchat claiming views upwards of 10 billion. Twitter, too, is releasing new information claiming it’s seen massive increases in video views over the past 12 months.
While the social network hasn’t released exact numbers they claim views have increased 220x. Additionally, Twitter says that tweets with videos retweeted six times more than those without video and 93% of video views come from mobile. Try including more videos in your tweets to increase their virality!