Scout Delicato
Digital Advertising Strategist
While YouTube remains king, TikTok has replaced Netflix in popularity among young people. This news comes right on the heels of Netflix’s announcement that it will begin showing ads to users with certain types of subscriptions. With the fallout of iOS14 continuing to rock apps like Facebook and Instagram, advertisers everywhere are trying to figure out how to continue reaching their audiences in different areas of the internet.
While making TikTok videos can be intimidating, the production costs associated with one are most likely going to be much lower than for a high-quality video ad. When considering where users are and what assets you have to work with, TikTok is quickly becoming one of the best places for social media managers to spend their time.
If we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that TikTok is here to stay and will continue to grow as a popular social media and valuable ad platform. Here at TwoSix, we’ve been encouraged by the results of the our 2022 TikTok campaigns and are excited to see what more we can do on the platform in the coming year.