Pure Michigan Social Media Workshops Quickly Approaching!

Credit: Grand Hotel
Exciting news this week with Vice President of Travel Michigan, Dave Lorenz, announcing the upcoming social media workshops being hosted by TwoSix Digital at the 2016 Pure Michigan Governor’s Conference on Tourism. That conference – attended by more than 800 tourism and hospitality industry members – was held in Lansing and provided some excellent networking opportunities with new connections being made and existing partnerships being strengthened.
On Monday morning Lorenz broke down his state of the tourism industry in Michigan and showed attendees some very cool things on the horizon for the Pure Michigan brand as it hits its ten year anniversary. Lorenz mentioned the importance of more than just those in the MEDC strengthening the Pure Michigan brand before mentioning the social media workshops being led by Dave Serino and his team at TwoSix Digital.
These workshops are one of the travel, tourism and hospitality industry’s first comprehensive statewide educational programs – and are quickly approaching! Those interested in participating can register now at this link.
Focusing on more than simple statistics and basic best practices, these workshops will dive into the importance of content integration between social media channels and provide insight on paid promotion on social media. Attendees will also learn more about how to cooperate and collaborate with Pure Michigan’s award-winning social media presence. Each attendee will leave the full-day event with not only a better understanding of how they can better leverage digital marketing and social media tools but also gain access to additional learning tools and resources like a self-assessment tool, informational guides and more.
There will be five individual workshops in cities throughout Michigan in the month of May. The cost is $20 to cover materials and lunch. Here is the list for the workshop locations and dates:
- Marquette – May 3, 2016
- Traverse City – May 10, 2016
- Alpena – May 12, 2016
- Grand Rapids – May 17, 2016
- Detroit – May 18, 2016
Register for one of the workshops today by clicking here.
We hope to see you there!