
Explore BransonClient:
Explore Branson
The Scope:

Throughout the summer of 2015, TwoSix Digital worked with Explore Branson to promote a summer photo contest that was designed to develop visual content on the #ExploreBranson hashtag. The images were curated and utilized on the Explore Branson website where users could view and engage with the imagery.

The Strategy:

TwoSix Digital utilized several social ad promotions to raise awareness of the program, along with billboards and window clings in the destination.  One ad targeting strategy included proximity ads using Facebook’s geotargeting feature to drive entries and inspire consumers to generate content while they were actively in the Branson area. These ads targeted Facebook users whose IP addresses were currently within the destination or those who had recently traveled in the Branson area.

Content was curated and developed even further to promote Branson as a location for a variety of getaways. This was done by interviewing and recording testimonials from several photo contest entrants. TwoSix Digital then created video and audio files, along with blog posts based upon their trips. These trips reflected key travel interests in Branson like fishing, family vacations and outdoor adventures and were distributed through several channels including Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.


The Results:

Explore Branson Photo Contest Ad ExamplesThe summer photo campaign exceeded its established KPI’s and included the following results:

  • 2,828 photos submitted into the contest
  • More than 18,000 website visits from social media ads
  • Nearly 3 million ad impressions
  • Social ads saw an average click through-rate of 2.75% – more than three times the Q2 global average reported by Nanigans.com

This campaign showcases TwoSix Digital’s expertise within the deeper levels of content marketing including content generation, integration and promotion.