Tag Archive for: Facebook

Facebook Groups Getting Ads, Pinterest Users Grow

Are Facebook Groups getting ads?

Facebook Groups

Credit: TechCrunch

For their next trick Facebook may be rolling out ads to Facebook Groups. People in some overseas countries have reportedly been seeing ads in their Groups – which could mark a new way to earn revenue for the social network.

Facebook confirmed that the ads will look just like the ads seen in News Feeds and utilize the same targeting utilized in other ad types on the site – but also include the ability to target based on Facebook Groups.

This new ad type could be a great way for Facebook to expand given that Facebook expects to hit maximum News Feed ad load in mid-2017. Read more

Facebook Secret Conversations, Marketplace

Secret Conversations quietly rolls out

Secret ConversationsBack in July, Facebook mentioned it was testing out end-to-end encryption for its Messenger app. This would allow users to select the option for  “Secret Conversations” and also give users the ability to select an expiration for the messages – similar to Snapchat. Facebook now appears to have rolled out that ability for all users over the past few weeks – but has been very quiet about not publicizing the move.

Right now, the option to add Secret Conversations should be appearing in the upper right of the app for users and must be selected, or opted-in, for every conversation. Back in July Facebook stressed that Messenger conversations were already secure – but many Messenger services don’t work with end-to-end encrption. The addition of Secret Conversations appears to fulfill two separate goals: chipping away at Snapchat’s user base while also providing more security to users looking to maintain more privacy.

Facebook Marketplace now open

marketplaceAnother new addition this week is the new Marketplace feature from Facebook. This new Craigslist-like feature allows you to look for people to sell goods to or find people selling items of interests in your area. The big difference between Marketplace and sites like Etsy or eBay is that no money is exchanged on Facebook.

Marketplace works by clicking on a tab at the bottom of your Newsfeed and view the listings in your area. From here, you’ll be able to filter and search by category, keyword and distance. Once you find something you’re interested in you can tap on the seller’s profile – which is their public Facebook profile – to check them out and make sure everything is legit. From here, you and the seller (or buyer) just need to come to an agreement on the transaction.

Facebook’s says its goal with Marketplace was to make the process as simple as possible while providing people with the information they need to feel secure about buying and selling online.

Facebook Prefetching and Periscope Branding

Prefetching a Mobile-Friendly Experience

Prefetching on FacebookMobile is massive on Facebook. That should come as no surprise at this point as 91% of Facebook’s daily users do so on a mobile device. Because of this, Facebook is working to make a better experience for mobile users through “prefetching”. A Facebook blog this week explained:

“…we’re introducing prefetching – pre-loading mobile content in the Facebook in-app browser before a link is tapped. This can shorten mobile site load time by 29 per cent or 8.5 seconds, improving the experience and decreasing the risk of site abandonment.” 

While 8 seconds may not seem like a lot I implore you to count that out right now just to realize how long it actually is in an age where our attention spans are less than that of a goldfishRead more

Olympics Social Video Views, Cuban Commercial Flights

Olympics Draw Massive Views

Rio OlympicsThe 2016 Rio Olympics games drew serious video views but, unfortunately for NBC, those views were on Facebook. While NBC cited millennials as a reason for the 15% dip in ratings from the London 2012 games, 59% of the 285 million unique video viewers on Facebook came from people under the age of 35.

Social Times reports 139 million views also came from Facebook Live – giving credence to the accusation that NBC – and not millennials was to blame for a dip in network ratings. Many have noted that NBC made it exceptionally difficult to watch the games due to a poor streaming experience.

Indeed, more than 277 million people had more than 1.5 billion interactions with Olympic content on Facebook during the games. Snapchat also reported 50 million Olympic video views while Twitter indicated it saw more than 187 million Olympic-focused tweets.

Commercial Flights to Cuba Coming Soon?

Cuba announced this week it would be ready to begin receiving U.S. commercial flights as early as next week.

JetBlue will perform the inaugural flight August 31 after a more than half century of commercial flight cessation. This is the latest in a tourism boom for Cuba since a 2014 announcement that the U.S. and its Cold War enemy would normalize diplomatic ties. The first U.S. cruise ship to visit the island nation arrived earlier this year.

Facebook Ad Preferences and Algorithm Updates

Facebook Ad Preferences Hone Interests Facebook Ad Preferences

New Facebook ad preferences available to Facebook users may seem detrimental at first – but let us explain. Facebook is using pictures to help users determine the kinds of content they want to see ads from – including travel. This means a more relevant audience for our ads – even if that audience is a bit smaller than what it previously was.

Even better, when a user taps on a particular image they’ll be provided with additional sub-categories to help select the kinds of ads they want to see. This means users will be able to be presented with the kinds of content they want to engage and interact with.

Interestingly, Facebook is also reportedly blocking ad blockers. The preferences are available for many users now, but will be fully available by the end of the month.

Another Facebook Algorithm Update

Another week and another Facebook algorithm update. The social network’s new algorithm aims to make our newsfeeds provide us with more valuable information. Facebook is updating its Feed Quality Program, a database analyzing thousands of surveys with feedback on newsfeeds each day, to create a new ranking system to identify what people find more informative.

Naturally, what may be informative to one person may not be interesting at all to another. Because of that, Facebook is working to tailor each feed to each user to provide a better experience. Facebook predicts some pages may see a “small increase” in referrals and engagement while others may see a small decline. This is likely dependent on the kinds of content published. The new algorithm was announced Thursday and takes effect immediately.


Instagram Business Pages Rollout, Facebook Business Pages Change

Instagram Business Pages Now Available

Instagram Business PagesThe big news this week involves those Instagram Business Pages we told you about a few months ago. Well, they’re here! Several TwoSix Digital clients noticed the option to switch over to the new page through their page settings – and they look great!

The new Business Pages provide more options to include information on your business including a phone number, address and email along with a “Contact” button.

Perhaps one of the most exciting additions to Instagram Business Profiles is the access to free analytics. Businesses and social media managers will now be able to access key information on posts and followers without the use of a third party app or website.

While it is not mandatory to switch over right now, it may only be a matter of time before accounts are forced over to used the new profile. Social Media Examiner has a great article on how to switch over and set up your Instagram Business Profile here Read more

Twitter Unveils Dashboard, Facebook Debuts Slideshow

Twitter Dashboard

DashboardA new app from Twitter – called Dashboard – could change the way social media managers use the platform and be a Hootsuite killer. The new app, unveiled this week is a free tool designed to let community managers easily engage with audiences, schedule content and even get ideas for content.

Dashboard appears to be a hybrid between the Facebook Pages app and Hootsuite. While Twitter’s recent changes appear to signal a new direction for the company time will tell if Dashboard catches on. Read more

Facebook Notify Button, Video Comments!

Facebook Notify Button Clues in Friends Instead of Tagging Them

Facebook Notify Button

Credit: SocialTimes

A new Facebook Notify button could potentially replace the numerous tagged comments people leave when they want a friend to see a post. The Facebook Notify button is being tested out with a limited audience right now, but would basically be a button above the comments that would let users click and enter the name of a friend they think might find the content interesting. That person would then receive a notification about the content.

Facebook told SocialTimes it wanted a more discreet way of letting people alert others to good content, so stay tuned.

Comment with Videos!

Comment with VideoFacebook comments are getting an upgrade with news that users will be able to upload a video to leave as a comment on posts. Leaving a video comment is essentially done the same way you might leave a photo comment. Just click on the camera icon next to the comment field where you type to comment and select to upload a video. Give it a try and see if you can leave a video comment! If you can’t, it will probably become available to your account shortly.

The move seems natural given the recent news Snapchat had overtaken Facebook in daily views and with the rise in internet video consumption and predictions.

Pay through Facebook Pages Coming soon?

Facebook users may soon be able to pay directly through a Facebook page to purchase an item from a business. TechCrunch is reporting that Facebook is testing the feature out in Southeast Asia right now and allowing users to buy an item listed on a Facebook page without ever leaving the social network. While details are scarce right now, it could be big news if the company decides to pursue this route.

Facebook Messenger Team Up, How-to Pins, Longer Instagram Videos

Boarding with Facebook Messenger

Boarding your flight with Facebook MessengerIn what could be the first of many, airline KLM is integrating with Facebook Messenger to make it easier to fly. Using Facebook Messenger, KLM passengers will be able to receive their itinerary, flight updates, check-in notifications, get boarding passes and even rebook fights when needed.

KLM previously embraced social media by giving travelers the ability to book tickets via Facebook and Twitter, but this utilization of Facebook Messenger is an unprecedented move and could mark the beginning of a shift in the airline industry. Read more